
Twitter is always looking for ways to improve its user experience and engagement, especially since Elon Musk took over as CEO in 2022. One of the areas that Twitter is focusing on is video, which Musk believes has a lot of potential for growth and monetization. In this article, we will explore some of the new features and experiments that Twitter is working on to enhance its video offerings and subscription options.

New media tab and video tab on Twitter profiles

One of the changes that Twitter is testing is a new layout for the media tab on user profiles, which will display images and videos in a grid format, similar to Instagram. This could make it easier for users to browse and discover media content from other users, and also showcase their own visual creations.

Designer Andrea Conway shared a screenshot of the new media tab design on her profile, which shows a more appealing and organized way to view media content.

Another feature that they are planning to introduce soon is a dedicated video tab on user profiles, which will show only video content from the user. This could be a way to highlight the best video uploads from users, and also provide a more immersive and engaging video experience for viewers.

Musk has hinted at the video tab feature in a tweet, saying that it is coming soon.

A separate video tab could also pave the way for a TikTok-like video feed, where users can swipe through short-form videos from various sources. Twitter has experimented with this idea before, with a full-screen feed for Explore that put more emphasis on video content. However, that feature was discontinued before Musk became CEO.

With Musk’s renewed interest in video, it is possible that Twitter could revive the full-screen feed concept, or create something similar, to compete with other platforms like YouTube and TikTok.

In-line images within longer tweets

One more feature that they are testing is the ability to add images within longer tweets, which can now be up to 10,000 characters long. This feature is only available for Twitter Blue subscribers, who can pay a monthly fee to access exclusive features and content.

The in-line images feature could make longer tweets more attractive and informative, as users can add visual elements to their text. This could also make longer tweets more like blog posts, which could appeal to some users who want to share more in-depth thoughts and opinions on Twitter.

Twitter has tried to offer long-form content options before, with its Notes feature that allowed users to write longer posts on Twitter. However, that feature was scrapped last year, as it did not gain much traction among users.

The new in-line images feature could be a way to revive the long-form content idea, but with a more integrated and seamless approach.

Previews of subscription content

The final feature that Twitter is testing is the ability to preview subscription content from other users. Subscription content is part of Twitter’s monetization strategy, where users can charge their followers a monthly fee to access exclusive content and perks.

The social network recently re-launched its subscription option, which was previously called Super Follows. The new name is simply Subscriptions, which reflects the simplicity and clarity of the offering.

Users who subscribe to other users can see their exclusive content on their timelines, while non-subscribers can only see previews of the content. The previews are designed to entice non-subscribers to sign up for the full experience, and also to showcase the value of the subscription content.

The previews can include snippets of text, images, videos, or audio clips, depending on the type of content that the user offers. The previews also have a button that prompts non-subscribers to subscribe if they want to see more.

The subscription option could be a way for users to monetize their Twitter presence and audience, and also provide more value and engagement for their followers. It could also be a way for Twitter to generate more revenue from its platform, as it takes a cut from each subscription fee.

Twitter is testing new visual display formats and previews of subscription content as part of its efforts to improve its user experience and engagement under Elon Musk’s leadership. The new features could make Twitter more appealing and competitive as a platform for video and long-form content creation and consumption. They could also provide more monetization opportunities for users and Twitter itself.

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